Senin, 07 Maret 2011

In Canada, if you were to receive a couple of abnormal PAP tests, a follow up would take place in a clinic or medical center. If your abnormal results do in fact point to the occurrence of cervical lesions, appropriate steps are taken. You would be informed that you have likely contracted human papilloma virus (HPV), the virus responsible for genital warts and precancerous lesions of the lower genitals which, if left untreated, may lead to cervical cancer. penyakit kanker serviks    you will also be told that this is luck of the draw and there very little could have been done to prevent contracting this virus, as it is usually passed through sexual skin to skin contact. The usual safer sex protocol is not an effective means for prevention and readily accessible tests are not available for partner testing. Condoms have a limited impact on contraction. You would likely hear that most cases of HPV infection clear up on their own; however, some do not. Next, the appropriate actions would be taken. For example, a colposcopy might be done, which involves looking at your vagina and cervix through a magnifier, to detect and treat abnormal lesions and to ensure that these lesions do not progress into anything harmful. You would then be required to have regular follow-up visits and monitoring to ensure that these lesions do not reappear and, if they do, are treated in a timely manner. While inconvenient and perhaps worrisome, this process prevents the development of cervical cancer, one that kills many women who do not access to this lengthy, but effective, process. Certainly inconvenient and worrisome, the burden of cervical cancer impacts entire communities in the developing world by taking the lives of their women.pencegahan kanker serviks